Our team members have contributed decades worth of research to the intersecting topics that inform InSPIRE's vision. Click on the links below to read some of the relevant publications.
Personal exposure monitoring of PM2. 5 in indoor and outdoor microenvironments.
Monitoring Air Quality in Low-Income and Lower Middle-Income Countries.
Indoor PMâ‚‚. â‚… characteristics and CO concentration in households using biomass fuel in Kigali, Rwanda.
- Life course air pollution exposure and cognitive decline: modelled historical air pollution data and the Lothian birth cohort 1936.
Air pollution and brain health: defining the research agenda.
Is air pollution associated with increased risk of cognitive decline? A systematic review.
Allostatic Load as a Complex Clinical Construct: A Case-Based Computational Approach.
Machine Learning Techniques to Improve the Field Performance of Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors.
Big Data Mining and Complexity. Justified Stories with Agent-Based Modelling for Local COVID-19 Planning.
COMPLEX-IT: A Case-Based Modelling and Scenario Simulation Platform for Social Inquiry.
Ideal, best, and emerging practices in creating artificial societies.
Cases, Clusters, Densities: Modelling the Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Health Trajectories.
Case-Based Modeling and the SACS Toolkit: A Mathematical Outline.